i felt compelled to create this blog with the thought of all those who have helped me as i continue my journey of cake decorating. if not for those creative minds who were brave enough to put themselves out there i would not have learned so many wonderful things or been as inspired as i am. i am just starting on my path to greatness! (ha ha!) i hope to document my progress through this blog. give out tips i have learned. make more connections with the decorating world. and perhaps someday give someone a little inspiration myself. so welcome and thank you for stopping by!

Thursday, December 20, 2012


As soon as I saw these adorable hedgehogs at the store I knew they would be perfect for my garden loving supervisor's 31st wedding anniversary. It happened to fall on the same day as our work Christmas Party, so I made sure to bring it along. She cried when she saw it - I think she like it!

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