i felt compelled to create this blog with the thought of all those who have helped me as i continue my journey of cake decorating. if not for those creative minds who were brave enough to put themselves out there i would not have learned so many wonderful things or been as inspired as i am. i am just starting on my path to greatness! (ha ha!) i hope to document my progress through this blog. give out tips i have learned. make more connections with the decorating world. and perhaps someday give someone a little inspiration myself. so welcome and thank you for stopping by!

Friday, April 11, 2014

April 2014 - How I Met Your Mother. The End.

It's always nice to work on my frosting skills. One day I'll be amazing at it. But I love being able to have friends and family who love me and will be happy with what I do even though it could easily be better. And I love learning from each cake too.

This was made for a friend from my Jr High and High School days. I hadn't seen her in years, so it was fun to catch up and see her again. This was great fun to plan and make. I love the buildings with the lights, I had them wrap around the side of the cake. Yup. It was perfect. What I learned...well, let me start by saying that I get a much better black frosting when my base is chocolate. But being a tired Mom of a newborn I cheated with half my frosting. I mean I made my own for the sky and umbrella, but for the black I purchased store bought.....

horror of horrors....

to make it a nice black. It was a fudge icing and ooooober sticky! I could not get it to smooth out. So, what I learned. Take the time to make my chocolate frosting or you'll be sorry. Lesson learned.

Still, isn't it a fun cake!

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