i felt compelled to create this blog with the thought of all those who have helped me as i continue my journey of cake decorating. if not for those creative minds who were brave enough to put themselves out there i would not have learned so many wonderful things or been as inspired as i am. i am just starting on my path to greatness! (ha ha!) i hope to document my progress through this blog. give out tips i have learned. make more connections with the decorating world. and perhaps someday give someone a little inspiration myself. so welcome and thank you for stopping by!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

When I found out that the writers of my favorite blog were hitting Salt Lake City on their book tour I about wet my pants! It was the longest few weeks of my LIFE! But the day finally arrived....woo! At each book signing they have a cupcake cake wrecks contest. You pick out your favorite cakewreck - I found out at the book signing that they have close to 900 on their blog! - and remake it into a cupcake. My Sweet Knees and I debated and then finally decided on one. It was hard to choose!

Once we got to The Kings English and found a spot - standing room only - we settled in. I was so excited I could hardly stand still! Finally Jen and John came out! YEAH! WOOOOOO! OH MY DEAR GOODNESS!! They had a slide show and some really funny stories about some of their favorite cakes. I always wondered how many of the cakes they knew the stories behind! Then it was time for the contest. I walked out to the little foyer area, it was so stinkin' hot! I didn't think much of the contest, I didn't think we had a chance after seeing the other entires. But then My Sweet Knees came out and said "Aubrey you need to come back in here, they picked up your cupcake!" SQUEEEEE! I had so many butterflies in my tummy, then they called our names! I could not believe we had made the finals, it was AWESOME!

So we stood up front with the other two finalists and Jen and John showed the audience our cupcakes and told the stories behind them. Then the audience had their chance to vote on their favorite. We were last in line. The first contestant got some really loud clapping and screaming, and I thought "these people probably have friends and family here to help support them, My Sweet Knees and I have no one!" Then the went to the next person who had even louder clapping and screaming. And I thought "we don't have a chance, no way, not after that!" Then it was our turn....oh my dear goodness, the room irrupted! It was seriously deafening! I could not believe it! AHHHHHHHHHH! WE WON! WE WON! WE WON! I was so excited! We got a really cool set of buttons that had a cake wrecks sayings on them and of course one with the baby carrot jockies, and a really cool baby carrot jockey necklace, it is so funny!

So that is my little exciting story, HURRAY! Below are a few of the photos from the book signing. If you want to see more you can click here: http://www.cakewrecks.com/ (Yes, My Sweet Knees and I are famous! We are on the cakewrecks blog! That is what Mrs. Scotty was saying on Facebook the other day!)

My Sweet Knees and I with the other contestants
Can you tell how hard I am holding in my screaming
with utter excitement? AHHHHHHHH!!!

My Sweet Knees and I with Jen and John, the creators of cake wrecks. I love that we are the same size! hee hee!

Our cake wrecks recreation!
(below is the original picture from the blog)


Alicia Leppert said...

Oh my gosh!!!! That is so exciting, I can't believe it!!! Yay for you guys!!! And can I just say how excited I am about your cake blog? I'm adding it to my reader right now!

Kamee said...

Congrats!! How exciting for you guys, and I love that you did it together, so cool. And I must say I love that you're famous now!! Can't wait too see more of your cakes and goodies.

Megan said...

I'm so excited for you Bree! I am thrilled about this blog and that you won and got to meet them. That is just wicked awesome. Also, I love Evil Mr. Bun-Bun.

Unknown said...

that is sooooo awesome. how much fun for your guys! i love the kings english. just wish books weren't so expensive there.:)

Anonymous said...

Aubrey!!! You didn't tell me you entered their contest!!! That is so awesome! Congrats!!!