i felt compelled to create this blog with the thought of all those who have helped me as i continue my journey of cake decorating. if not for those creative minds who were brave enough to put themselves out there i would not have learned so many wonderful things or been as inspired as i am. i am just starting on my path to greatness! (ha ha!) i hope to document my progress through this blog. give out tips i have learned. make more connections with the decorating world. and perhaps someday give someone a little inspiration myself. so welcome and thank you for stopping by!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Super Hero

When I got the call for a Super Hero cake and cupcakes I was so excited to tell Sweet Knees! And then when I was telling him the Super Hero’s that I wanted to make and his inner NERD came out, he told me I could not put Super Hero’s from opposing comic books together! Then I was not so excited….!!  Bwa ha ha! No, we had so much fun together. I decided to make the Super Hero logos with colorflow. This is a new technique for Sweet Knees. He didn't like it much. It has been a long time since I worked with colorflow and I had forgotten how much I like it and how cool the effect is. The cake was made much like my SuperMan cake but we did a “G” instead of an “S” for the boy’s name. It was a pretty simple cake but like all my cakes I had a lot of fun making it!

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